In 1949, The Junior League of Parkersburg sought out a worthwhile project to help the community. They agreed to open a free mental hygiene clinic and the Wood County Mental Health Clinic was the result. One woman, Betsey Adams, was fundamental in establishing the clinic, which later was referred to as Wood County Guidance Clinic. In 1967, after an increase in services and staff size, the clinic was re-incorporated as the Western District Guidance Clinic, and expanded services for a multi-county area.
In 1973, the State of West Virginia purchased the then "Four Seasons Nursing Home" and began renovations to create a Regional Community Mental Health facility. With the completion of these renovations in 1975, we moved to our current administrative offices in Parkersburg and became the Western District Guidance Center. Growth continued with the addition of a day program and group homes for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and residential programs for individuals battling substance use disorder.
In 1996, Western District Guidance Center saw one final name change to Westbrook Health Services, Inc., to position itself more effectively with managed care systems. Additional Crisis Services, the New Day Crisis Stabilization Unit, and the Genesis Program for Women were shortly added to our ever-expanding list of services.
Since that final name change, Westbrook Health Services has seen expansive growth, following the trends and needs of the communities we serve. Experienced and compassionate, we empower people to achieve wellness with the guidance of our psychiatrists, physicians, nurses, psychologists, professional counselors, social workers, and addiction counselors. Our staff meets the needs of over 7,000 people annually.
Westbrook Health Services is licensed by the State of West Virginia and proudly serves the Mid-Ohio Valley including Calhoun, Jackson, Pleasants, Ritchie, Roane, Tyler, Wirt and Wood counties.
Westbrook Health Services, Inc., is governed by a Board of Directors that meet monthly and supervises an Executive Director to provide an overall implementation of its directions. The Executive Director supervises management, which then supervises clinical and administrative staff. All staff, volunteers, and interns are subjected to background checks, human resource review, and credentials before being permitted to provide any clinical services.