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What is Quick Response Team?
QRT establishes and supports linkages to care by deploying an outreach team to follow up with individuals at risk of overdose. The purpose is to reduce the repeat overdoses and overdose fatalities, as well as to increase the number of individuals who participate in treatment for Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and Stimulant Use Disorder. The outreach team may include emergency response personnel, law enforcement, medical staff, community health workers, peer recovery support specialist (PRSS), and clergy. The composition of the outreach team is determined by cultural tailoring to each community.

Who does the QRT help?
The QRT's target population is adult men and women (ages 18+) who have experienced an overdose. For survivors under the age of 18, consent from legal guardian is required. Our population also includes high-risk priority populations including people who inject drugs (PWID); individuals re-entering the community from incarceration; pregnant, postpartum, and parenting women (PPW); people experiencing homelessness; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning/queer (LGBTQ) individuals; and military veterans.

How does the QRT work?


The QRT team obtains a list of overdoses from Wood County EMS and the local 911 dispatch center. Once Westbrook obtains the overdose list, we then confirm the overdose address with local law enforcement. We are then accompanied by EMS and law enforcement to go to the overdose address to attempt to contact the individual.
If contact is made: Our QRT staff engage and encourage treatment due to their recent overdose. If the individual is willing to accept treatment, the QRT team then takes the individual to Westbrook Health Services to start the intake process and start looking for detox facilities for inpatient detox.
If contact is made but refuse treatment: If contact is made with an individual, but they are unwilling to accept treatment at that time, we will leave QRT contact information. We will also leave the open access information so the individual can call at anytime to start service if they change their mind about treatment once QRT staff have left the scene.
If no contact is made: If no contact has been made with the individual within 3 attempts, we will not go back to that location unless there is an overdose at that location. If we happen to get in contact with the individual, QRT will then offer services at the time of contact.

What Clients Say

"The staff here are amazing, willing to help and listen at any time. If I needed any direction, they sent me the right way. I really want to thank all of the staff for their genuine concern and care."
This Image is meant to demonstrate certification from CARF. CARF is the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities

Empowering people to achieve their greatest potential, Westbrook Health Services Inc. is the industry leader in providing comprehensive care to individuals with mental health, developmental, substance use and addiction challenges. 


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