What is Quick Response Team?
QRT establishes and supports linkages to care by deploying an outreach team to follow up with individuals at risk of overdose. The purpose is to reduce the repeat overdoses and overdose fatalities, as well as to increase the number of individuals who participate in treatment for Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and Stimulant Use Disorder. The outreach team may include emergency response personnel, law enforcement, medical staff, community health workers, peer recovery support specialist (PRSS), and clergy. The composition of the outreach team is determined by cultural tailoring to each community.
Who does the QRT help?
The QRT's target population is adult men and women (ages 18+) who have experienced an overdose. For survivors under the age of 18, consent from legal guardian is required. Our population also includes high-risk priority populations including people who inject drugs (PWID); individuals re-entering the community from incarceration; pregnant, postpartum, and parenting women (PPW); people experiencing homelessness; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning/queer (LGBTQ) individuals; and military veterans.
How does the QRT work?